Flex Review: FPnibs 14k Jowo #6 XXF semi flex nib

弹尖评测:FPnibs家改造的Jowo 14K弹尖

鸽了那么久,我终于来更FPnibs这个弹尖的评测了啦。这个笔尖的具体数据在《8个现代弹尖数据对比》这篇笔记里面也有, 需要更多的参考可以点击标题看一下那个评测blog。


  • 柔软度:5.5/10 (介于FPR ultra flex笔尖和百乐10号FA尖之间);

  • 回弹速度:7/10 (非常类似于古董弹尖的回弹力度,写8字时下转角一收力可以迅速恢复到未劈叉状态)

  • 最细线/游丝宽度: 0.15mm

  • 最大劈叉: 1.6mm (full flex水平)

  • 笔幅变化: 最大变化1.45mm,由于游丝非常细,线条变化的对比会非常明显,看图中不同劈叉程度所写出来的summer的线条变化可以看得出这个笔尖的线条表现是非常多变。

  • 顺滑程度: 接近百乐EF尖

  • 供墨能力:配FPnibs自家制的硬橡胶笔舌,在用中等到强流动性墨水时未见劈叉,但用节制的墨水时,大劈叉会容易出空心字,这种情况转一下上墨器一般就没问题了。供墨能力中上。

Finally finished updating the bilingual review of this professional instrument — Fpnibs 14k XXF semi flex nib! (For furthur reference, a comparison between softness, snapback, and other parameters with different flex nibs can be found in my previous post 8 Modern Flex Fountain Pens. )

Before I dive into any detail, let’s go over its key features:

·      Softness: Between FPR ultra flex nib and Pilot 912/742 FA nib

·      Snapback: Very similar to vintage flex and very snappy. It can quickly recover to hairlines in the bottom turning angle when writing loops of 8.

·      Minimum line width (XXF mod.): 0.15mm

·      Maximum line width (when flexed): ~1.6mm

·      Line variation: Maximum variation is about 1.45mm.  The hairlines are so fine that the variation is extremely noticeable, which allows highly versatile expression in writing.

·      Smoothness: Similar to Pilot EF.

·      Ink flow: With FPnibs’ super flow ebonite feed, it can handle average and wet inks with no problem. For dry inks, railroading is only observed with both fast writing and maximum flexing. This can be solved with a little push in the converter.


总体感觉这个笔草鸡适合点尖类的英文书法,例如spencerian斯宾塞体,copperplate铜板体还有modern摩登体等等。游丝那么细,媲美蘸水笔也差不多了。但是钢笔尖有铱粒,比蘸水笔可是顺滑得多,完全不用担心刮纸和戳进纸里溅墨。我真的超爱这个磨尖后的效果。在不追求2mm或以上super flex劈叉的情况下,这个笔尖的表现在我看来真的十分完美,粗细变化范围非常大。 

My overall impression of this flex nib is a professional calligraphy instrument for scripts like Spencerian or Copperplate. The hairlines are comparable to lots of dip nibs. However, the iridium tip of the XXF nib allows a smoother writing experience than dip nibs. There is no worry about digging into paper or splashing inks. I really enjoy practicing calligraphy with this nib. It is probably my favorite flex nib for calligraphy when I don’t need a large amount of flex.


另外,笔尖的整体写感都非常像优秀的古董弹尖,柔软度适中,不会轻轻一压就劈叉,所以日常用来写细字笔记完全没问题。想要劈叉的时候就带点力度压一压,粗线条就出来了。但是Jowo 6号的大明尖可比绝大多数古董笔尖要大,对于习惯现产钢笔大笔尖的我来说,实在是很完美。

Apart from the line variation, the overall writing feeling of this FPnibs semi flex nib is very similar to writing with a vintage full flex nib. The pressure required to flex is moderate. It does not spread the tines with the slightest pressure, so you can use it to make small notes. When you want it to flex, it will be happily obliged to do so. Compared to lots of vintage flex fountain pens, its large nib size (Jowo #6) and its compatibility to the modern filling mechanism are much more convenient. As a modern flex enthusiast myself, this is perfect.




The only downside of this flex nib is its expensive cost. It costs about 295 Euro for the nib unit plus 20ish Euro to ship to North America. (At least the turnaround time and shipping were pretty fast. It took about 10 days for me to receive it).

Due to its price point, this nib is more suitable for calligraphy enthusiasts or flex nib enthusiasts to try and it may not be a good option for flex beginners.


Review: Cross Bailey Light — You don’t need to flex to achieve line variation.


Inky Review: Side-by-side comparison among Sailor Studio 123, 224, 343, and Manyo Fuji